Service Users Forum
Our service users forum has been together since 2012, in that time they have worked with our board members, management team and support staff to create an organisation that listens to and acts on the views of the people we support.
How it Works
The forum have support from members of the development team to ensure their ideas and views are effectively shared with board members and the senior management team.
Since they started the forum have suggested and seen implemented the following resources for the people we support.
- The Hub at Head Office: The forum wanted a place to call their own where they could meet with friends and do things they enjoy. The Hub has its own kitchen area, pool table, computer suite and quiet room.
- Community House: Based in the East End of Glasgow this community house lets people learn about how to manage and maintain their own home as well as facilitating short breaks for some of the people we support.
- Weekly activity programme at the Hub: including the drama group, keep-fit classes,and focused bespoke workshops that are outcome-based and involve us networking with some of our health colleagues in the sector. All of these groups/opportunities are designed to help promote themes of lifelong learning.
Anyone we support can join the forum and influence the way the organisation plans what it will do to continue improving and supporting the people we work with to 'have the best day possible'.