Mission Statement
To provide appropriate, flexible support both practically and emotionally to people with a learning or physical disability and their family carers which will grow and develop with them from an early age into their senior years.
Overall Objective
To create an environment where individuals can achieve their full potential and achieve the best day possible for every person we support.
Service Aims
• To provide a structure of support which will assist and encourage individuals to gain both the skills and confidence to lead a more autonomous and independent life.
• To provide an environment that encourages personal development and personal growth, which is nurtured, respected and encouraged.
• To provide a holistic service for both family carers and service users using person focused plans.
• To identify local community links so that service users are able to live and take part in a full range of community facilities and not be limited to special activities.
• To provide service users with a stimulating and enjoyable programme of activities, depending on their preference.
• To ensure that service users are supported to maintain good health and to maximise their control over health-related matters.
• To encourage service users and their families to make positive decisions about their future care/support plans so that they can express their individuality and have meaningful control over their lives.
• To ensure that service users and their families have confidence that they are supported by skilled, competent, sensitive and accountable staff.