Activities in the Hub
The hub is the area that Mainstay Trust has in the Head Office. It is dedicated space for the people we support and the staff to attend focused, outcome-based groups. The people we support can also have lunch (should this be required if the group starts around or after lunchtime).
There is always a range of activities available on different days. If people are attending the Hub it is worth noting that as an oranisation we are mindful of showing digity and respect to the people we support. To that end, the building has accessible ground floor toilets, with one of these being a disabled toilet . All personal protective equipment is available for staff and your privacy and personal care needs can be met in confidence so you can still be part of all the fantastic activities.
Experiences of People who use the Hub
In the boxes below there are some samples of some of the people we supports experience of using the hub and how it has enhanced their lives, social circles, and personal outcomes.
Please click on the following Whats On link for the schedule of weekly activities in the Hub.